The APC is the American Kennel Club parent club for the Pomeranian breed. We encourage all pom lovers to attend their local AKC all breed shows to see our breed showcased and learn more about this sport which helps preserve the traits we love about this unique breed!
Shows are a great way for breeders and owners to network, an avenue to seek out a breeder for a new pet to add to your family, a place to find a mentor who is more knowledgeable about the breed and dogs in general, and meet other people who share your passion – dogs!
Conformation dog shows allow breeders to showcase and “prove” that our breeding stock meets the breed standard. Other dog sports are open for participation for Pomeranians as well, such as obedience, rally obedience, agility, and FastCAT, which is great fun for both proving the intelligence and athleticism of breeding stock or just having fun with your pet!

Other Competitions and Sports
Beyond conformation, AKC offers several other sports that Pomeranians can participate in, such as obedience, agility and Fast CAT. There are also poms that have competed in herding, barn hunt, and even weight pull!