Note: Rescues are NOT a source for breeding stock. Most rescue dogs are spayed/neutered before placement.

Looking for a rescued Pomeranian? Lucky you! Rescued Poms have a lot of love to give. Some of them will have come from wonderful homes where they were loved, but the owner has died, or the dog has become lost and will be grateful for your love. Other dogs may have come from bad situations where they were mistreated and not loved, but you will have the privilege of bringing out the wonderful Pomeranian personality that is hiding in a fearful dog. All rescued Poms should be up-to-date on shots and be spayed or neutered before adoption.
If you are looking for a puppy, be aware that very few puppies come into Rescue. For a well-bred puppy, look for a good breeder who breeds for health and temperament, and who socializes the puppies. To find a good breeder, check the American Pomeranian Club Breeder Referral page.
Some of the rescue contacts listed below will have Poms available for adoption; others may be helpful in referring you to Rescue groups near you. If you don’t see a contact in or near your state, try
For Rescue information contact the National Rescue Coordinator, one of the committee members, or contact one of the local club or independent rescues below:
For More Information
Rescue Coordinator: Babe McCombs
Phone: 510-679-6683